COBA Membership Application

New Member Application


Membership opens August 1 each year. Your dues cover the membership period of August 1 through July 31 of the following year.

1-10 Litters • $300

11-25 Litters • $500

26+ Litters • $750

Junior Member 1-2 Litters • $75

NOTE: Junior members must be between 5 years of age through high school senior and cannot be listed under a farm name. Junior members may be registered as such and produce more than 2 litters, however they will be subject to regular COBA dues pertaining to the number of litters registered in their name. 





Please list the number of ALL expected OYE-aged, summer/fall litters in the top field below. For junior membership, the number can be a maximum of two (2).




Please designate a primary owner contact, plus any other operating partners in the appropriate lines below. For multiple operating partners, separate names with a comma. Those listed in this section may be eligible for leadership positions within the Certified Oklahoma Bred Association, as they align with established by-laws. All owners and operating partners must by permanent residents of Oklahoma. 

COBA Member Login

Please create a login name and password to be able to manage your new COBA membership account (i.e., renew membership, update information, etc.). Your password must be at least eight characters long, and contain at least one number.

We want every penny of your membership dues to go to the kids. Therefore, the total membership cost will reflect a 3% online convenience fee.